Sunday, August 21, 2016

How to Use Vendoring in Go

Vendoring is a way to put dependencies in a Go project without having to mess with the GOPATH. The idea is simple, that is to put the dependencies in a directory called "vendor".
|-- foo (this directory contains a library, i.e. non-main package)
|   `-- foo.go
|-- main.go (this is the main program)
`-- vendor (this is where the third-party libs live)
    `-- goini
        |-- goini.go
        |-- goini_test.go
        |-- LICENSE
        `-- testdata
            |-- test_expected.ini
            `-- test.ini

The project structure above has the following benefits.
  1. It can be used to build a library.
  2. It can be used to build an executable.
  3. It is go-gettable.
This is an example of using it in a standard Go workspace.
`-- src
    `-- awesomego
        |-- foo
        |   `-- foo.go
        |-- main.go
        `-- vendor
            `-- goini
                |-- goini.go
                |-- goini_test.go
                |-- LICENSE
                `-- testdata
                    |-- test_expected.ini
                    `-- test.ini
To build it as a library:
GOPATH=`pwd` go install awesomego/foo
To build it as an executable:
GOPATH=`pwd` go install awesomego