Wednesday, December 14, 2016

How to Use Jetty to Serve Static Content

  1. Download Jetty.
  2. Extract it to some location. We will call this JETTY_HOME.
  3. Set JETTY_BASE environment variable. This is a separate directory where your configurations live.
  4. Copy $JETTY_HOME/start.ini into $JETTY_BASE.
  5. Create $JETTY_BASE/webapps directory.
  6. Create $JETTY_BASE/webapps/scratch.xml with the content explained here.
  7. Start Jetty by running $JETTY_HOME/bin/ start.
  8. Stop Jetty by running $JETTY_HOME/bin/ stop.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

How to Use Vendoring in Go

Vendoring is a way to put dependencies in a Go project without having to mess with the GOPATH. The idea is simple, that is to put the dependencies in a directory called "vendor".
|-- foo (this directory contains a library, i.e. non-main package)
|   `-- foo.go
|-- main.go (this is the main program)
`-- vendor (this is where the third-party libs live)
    `-- goini
        |-- goini.go
        |-- goini_test.go
        |-- LICENSE
        `-- testdata
            |-- test_expected.ini
            `-- test.ini

The project structure above has the following benefits.
  1. It can be used to build a library.
  2. It can be used to build an executable.
  3. It is go-gettable.
This is an example of using it in a standard Go workspace.
`-- src
    `-- awesomego
        |-- foo
        |   `-- foo.go
        |-- main.go
        `-- vendor
            `-- goini
                |-- goini.go
                |-- goini_test.go
                |-- LICENSE
                `-- testdata
                    |-- test_expected.ini
                    `-- test.ini
To build it as a library:
GOPATH=`pwd` go install awesomego/foo
To build it as an executable:
GOPATH=`pwd` go install awesomego

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Compile-Time Enum in Go

Unlike other languages, Go does not support enum. However, it is pretty straightforward to create something that behaves similar to enum. There are a lot of articles on the internet on how to create an enum in Go, which pretty much looks like below.
package main

import (

type myType string

const (
    Foo myType = "foo"
    Bar myType = "bar"

func doSomething(t myType) {

func main() {
    // baz := "baz"
    // This will result in compilation error:
    // "cannot use baz (type string) as type myType in argument to doSomething"
    // doSomething(baz)

    // However, this is allowed.
As you can see in the code above, calling doSomething("baz") does not result in a compilation error. To fix that, we can change the code to look like below.
package main

import (

type myType string

const (
    Foo myType = "foo"
    Bar myType = "bar"

func doSomething(t *myType) {

func main() {
    // This will now result in a compilation error.
    // doSomething("baz")

    baz := myType("baz")

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Compile-time Builder Pattern in Java

Builder pattern is a pattern that is usually used for a language that does not support named parameters. However, the typical builder pattern has a limitation, such at it can't at compile-time check the required parameters. Below are some suggestions how to use a builder pattern that has compile-time check.
  • Option 1
  • public class Foo {
        private String a;
        private String b;
        private String c;
        private Foo() {
        public static ABuilder newBuilder() {
            return new ABuilder(new Foo());
        private static class ABuilder {
            private final Foo foo;
            private ABuilder(Foo foo) {
       = foo;
            public BBuilder a(String a) {
                foo.a = a;
                return new BBuilder(foo);
        private static class BBuilder {
            private final Foo foo;
            private BBuilder(Foo foo) {
       = foo;
            public CBuilder b(String b) {
                foo.b = b;
                return new CBuilder(foo);
        private static class CBuilder {
            private final Foo foo;
            private CBuilder(Foo foo) {
       = foo;
            public FinalBuilder c(String c) {
                foo.c = c;
                return new FinalBuilder(foo);
        private static class FinalBuilder {
            private final Foo foo;
            private FinalBuilder(Foo foo) {
       = foo;
            public Foo build() {
                return foo;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Foo foo = Foo.newBuilder().a("a").b("b").c("c").build();
  • Option 2
  • public class Bar {
        private final String a;
        private final String b;
        private final String c;
        public static class False {}
        public static class True {}
        public static class Builder<Has1, Has2, Has3> {
            private String a;
            private String b;
            private String c;
            public static Builder<False, False, False> create() {
                return new Builder<>();
            public Builder<True, Has2, Has3> a(String a) {
                this.a = a;
                return (Builder<True, Has2, Has3>) this;
            public Builder<Has1, True, Has3> b(String b) {
                this.b = b;
                return (Builder<Has1, True, Has3>) this;
            public Builder<Has1, Has2, True> c(String c) {
                this.c = c;
                return (Builder<Has1, Has2, True>) this;
        public Bar(Builder<True, True, True> builder) {
            a = builder.a;
            b = builder.b;
            c = builder.c;
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Bar bar = new Bar(Builder.create().a("a").b("c").c("a"));

Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to Create a Command Line Spinner in Go

package main

import "fmt"
import "time"

func main() {
    chars := "|/-\\"
    i := 0
    for {
        char := chars[i%len(chars)]
        fmt.Printf("\rDownloading: %c", char)
        time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)