Thursday, December 23, 2010

Creating Static and Shared Libraries using GCC

There are two types of libraries in C/C++:
1. Static libraries (.a on Linux or .lib on Windows): the library of object code that is linked with becomes part of the application.
2. Shared libraries (.so on Linux or .dll on Windows): the library of object code that is linked with does not become part of the application.

In this blog, I am going to show you how to create static and shared libraries using GCC on Linux. Although the the example shown below uses C++, but the same concept is applicable to C. Simply replace g++ with gcc.

#include <iostream>

class Hello
    void sayHello() const;
#include "Hello.h"
using namespace std;

void Hello::sayHello() const
    cout << "Hello World" << endl;
#include "Hello.h"

int main()
    Hello hello;

    return 0;

To create a static library, do the following:
1. Compile the library code.
g++ -Wall -c Hello.c
This will produce Hello.o object file.
2. Create a static library.
ar -cvq libhello.a Hello.o
This will produce libhello.a static library.
3. Compile the code and link it against the libhello.a static library.
g++ -o Main libhello.a
This will produce the Main executable file. When you do ldd, you won't see the dependency to libhello library since it's a static library.
ldd Main
4. Execute the Main program.

To create a shared library, do the following:
1. Compile the library code.
g++ -Wall -fPIC -c Hello.c
This will produce Hello.o object file. The -fPIC flag is required for creating a shared library. See man g++ or man gcc for more information.
2. Create a shared library.
g++ -shared -o Hello.o
This will produce shared library.
3. Compile the code and link it against the shared library.
g++ -o Main
This will produce the Main executable file. When you do ldd, you will see the dependency to libhello library.
ldd Main
4. Execute the Main program.

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